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    Calamba is a center of trade and commerce in the northern part of the province of Misamis Occidental. The municipality’s commercial area is located along the intersection of four Poblacion barangays of Don Bernardo A. Neri (DBAN), Solinog, Northern Poblacion and Southwestern Poblacion. The newly operational integrated bus terminal is located in Barangay DBAN. Also the public market is within Barangay DBAN. As per records from the Municipal Treasurer’s Office and the Municipal Mayor’s Office, there are 564 registered business establishments in the four poblacion areas. These establishments are repair shops, restaurants and eateries, botiques, sari-sari stores, bakeries, pawnshops, lending institutions, banks and other merchandizing establishments.

    There are 64 micro-industries existing in the municipality located in the four poblacion barangays. These are solar dryers, rice and corn mills, machine and welding shops, vulcanizing shops, tailoring shops, auto-repair shops, hollow block makings, bangsaw station and others.

    This calendar year 2005, the number of establishments increases from 564 to 571. The micro- industries also increases from 64 to 68.

    Internet café is also of great demand. Banks are also increasing in numbers. Lending investors are also coming in. Local FM radio station is operating.

    The fast increase of number of establishments is a better sign of progress terms of industry and trade and is a good sign of a sound investment climate in the municipality.




Calamba Central School Northern Poblacion, Calamba (088) 271-3367
Southwestern Poblacion Elementary School Southwestern Poblacion, Calamba  
Liberation Institute Elementary School Solinog, Calamba (088) 271-3371
Philippine Independent Church Northern Poblacion, Calamba  
Sacred Heart College Elementary Department Southwestern Poblacion, Calamba 088) 271-3591
Evangelical School Don Bernardo Neri, Calamba  
Bunawan Elementary School Bunawan, Calamba, Misamis Occidental  
Bonifacio Elementary School Bonifacio, Calamba, Misamis Occidental  
Calaran Elmentary School Calaran, Calamba, Misamis Occidental  
Dapacan Alto Elementary School Dapacan Alto, Calamba, Misamis Occidental  
Dapacan Bajo Elementary School Dapacan Bajo, Calamba, Misamis Occidental  
Langub Elementary School Langub, Calamba, Misamis Occidental  
Libertad Elementary School Libertad, Calamba, Misamis Occidental  
Mamalad Elementary School Mamalad, Calamba, Misamis Occidental  
Mauswagon Elementary School Mauswagon, Calamba, Misamis Occidental  
Pestañas Elementary School Magcamiguing, Calamba, Misamis Occidental  
Salvador Elementary School Salvador, Calamba, Misamis Occidental  
San Isidro Elementary School San Isidro, Calamba, Misamis Occidental  
Siloy Elementary School Siloy, Calamba, Misamis Occidental  
Singalat Elementary School Singalat, Calamba, Misamis Occidental  
Sulipat Elementary School Sulipat, Calamba, Misamis Occidental  

Business Registration & Licensing Process

Application for Mayor’s Permit on Business

    There shall be collected an annual fee for the issuance of a Mayor’s Permit to operate a business, pursue an occupation or calling, or undertaken an activity within the municipality of Calamba.

Time and Manner of Payment

    The fee for the issuance of a Mayor’s Permit shall be paid to the Municipal Treasure upon application before any business or undertaking can be lawfully begun or pursued and within the first twenty (20) days of January of each year in case of renewal thereof.


Supervision and Control over Establishments and Places

    The Municipal Mayor shall supervise and regulate all establishments and places subject to the payment of the permit fee. He shall prescribe rules and regulations as to the mode or manner on which they shall be conducted in so far as may be necessary to maintain peaceful, healthy, and sanitary conditions in the municipality.

Application for Mayor’s Permit on Business

    An application for Mayor’s Permit shall be filed with the Office of the Municipal Mayor. The form for the purpose shall be issued by the same office and shall set forth the request information including the name and residence of the applicant, the description of business or undertaking that is to be conducted, and such other data or information as may be required:

  • For a newly-started busines
a. Location sketch of the new business

b. Paid-up capital of the business as shown in the Article of incorporation, if a corporation of partnership, or a sworn statement of the capital invested by the owner or operator, if sole proprietorship

c. A certificate attesting to the tax exemption if the business is tax exempt

d. Certification from the office in charge of zoning that the location of the new business is in accordance with zoning regulations

e. Tax clearances showing that the operator has paid all tax obligations in the municipality

f. Barangay Clearance

g. Three (3) passport size pictures of the owner or operator or in cases of a partnership or corporation the picture of the senior or managing partners and that of the President or General Manager

i. Health certification for all food handlers, and those required under Chapter IV, Art. D. of this Revenue Code
2.      For renewal of existing business permits
a. Previous year’s Mayor’s permit
b. Four (4) copies of the annual or quarterly tax payments
c. Four (4) copies of all receipts showing payment of all regulatory fees as provided for in this Code
d. Certificate of tax exemption form local taxes of fees, if exempt
    Upon submission of the application, it shall be the duty of the proper authorities to verify if other municipal requirements regarding the operation of the business or activity such as sanitary requirements, installation of power and light requirements, as well as other safety requirements are complied with. The permit to operate shall be issued only upon compliance with such safety requirements and after the payment of the corresponding inspection fees and other impositions required by this Revenue Code and other municipal tax ordinances.

    Any false statement deliberately made by the applicant shall constitute sufficient gourd for denying or revoking the permit issued by the Mayor, and the applicant or licensee may be prosecuted in accordance with the penalties provided in this Article.

    A Mayor’s Permit shall be refused to (1) any person who previously violated any ordinance or regulation governing permits granted; (2) whose business establishment or undertaking does not conform with zoning regulations, and safety, health and other requirements of the municipality; (3) who has unsettled tax obligation, debt or other liability to the government; (4) who is disqualified under any provision of law or ordinance to establish or operate the business applied for.

    Likewise, a Mayor’s permit shall be denied to any person or applicant for a business who declares an amount of gross sales or receipts that are manifestly below industry standards or the Presumptive Income Level of gross sales or receipts as established in the municipality for the same or a closely similar type of activity or business.

Issuance of Permit; Contents of Permit

    Upon approval of the application of a Mayor’s Permit, two (2) copies of the application duly signed by the Municipal Mayor shall be returned to the applicant. One (1) copy shall be presented to the Municipal Treasurer as basis for the collection of the Mayor’s Permit fee and the corresponding business tax.

    The Mayor’s Permit shall be issued by the Municipal Mayor upon presentation of the receipt for the payment of the Mayor’s Permit and the official receipt issued by the Municipal Treasurer for the payment of the business tax.

***The aforementioned provisions are as per provided under the Revised Local Revenue Code of the Municipality of Calamba, Province of Misamis Occidental duly approved by the Sangguniang Bayan of this municipality on November 26, 2002.

    The most convenient means of transportation within the municipality are motorcab and habal-habal (motor single for hire). Habal-habal is the mode of transportation in going to the barangays. When moving around the town, from the town center, a motorcab is always available. The following are the minimum fare rates, to wit:

Habal-habal (motor single for hire)  Php  150.00

From any point in the poblacion to designated boundaries
(additional one peso per kilometer outside the boundaries)
Php  15.00
Senior Citizens and Students  Php  10.00

***The foregoing motorcab minimum fare rates are as per provided in the Sangguniang Bayan Resolution No 104-2005 approved on September 13, 2005.


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Grand Champion 2nd Perangat Festival Calamba & Baliangao


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